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New! Conference Rome, Italian Ministry of Healthcare, 24.-25.3.2015


"Medical Radioactive Waste Management and cooperation between V4 countries and Italy"


The main objective of the project is to describe and analyze the recent status of medical waste in the V4 countries and Italy, the current state of legislation, their harmonization with EU legislation, the exchange of experience in handling radioactive medical waste and the common V4 procedures in implementing EU legislation into practice.



The core activity of the project is a two day conference, to be held in Italy, Rome in the Ministry of Health care  and a demonstration of medical waste disposal in a facility managed by Italian public company Nucleco. The conference topics will be: Analysis of legal regulations related to health care waste in the V4 countries and Italy, the legal framework in the EU e transposition into national systems, characteristics and classification of hazardous waste from health care, incidence and balance of radioactive waste from healthcare and comparison between the V4 countries and Italy, analysis of the management of waste from healthcare, network facility of waste from healthcare in the V4 countries and Italy, incineration and reduction of radioactive waste, landfills, waste recovery facilities. The second day of the conference will be dedicated to the disposal of medical waste in the state-owned company Nucleco. The goal of the conference will be to develop a common strategy to be offered to national ministries, hospitals, laboratories, processors of a radioactive medical waste and a project web platform used to discuss about the common strategy




Conference Rome 24-25.3.2015



Project partners:

1. Budapest University of technology and Economics, Institute of Nuclear Techniques (

2. Medical University in Gdansk, Faculty of Health Sciences with Subfaculty of Nursing (

3. ÚJV Řež, a. s. (


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